Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sunny Saturday

Hello Team201 Familes,

Good morning. The positive effects of a sunny morning are incredible. Maybe your 201 student can explain a bit about radiant energy to you today?

This week we began a new unit: Forms of Energy. We started by exploring the definition of energy and the differences between potential and kinetic energy. There is a good brainpop, and the Study Jams video is also very helpful. Both are linked on the blog tabs.  Next week, we'll learn about different forms of energy: thermal, mechanical, gravitational, sound, light... In the following weeks we'll be exploring how energy is transferred via conduction, convection and radiation. Later, we'll have some fun learning about electrical energy.

Do you know about the Robot Project? Papers were sent home this week. Find the tab above called Energy Robot to learn more. No, you should not go out and buy a robot!  Kids and families can assemble their projects reusing household items.

Yes, some kids who are mechanically minded, or have a family member who is, will create robots that have some moving parts or "bells and whistles." If this works for you, great. If not, no problem!  The powerpoint/keynote project meets technology standards and offers a different way for kids to present what they've learned. In class, I will be reinforcing that the powerpoint slides should be grammatically correct. Don't rely on spellcheck alone!

This weekend at home....
-IXL Math and Reading
Each child should work in about 20-30 minutes of each.
Math- skill "W.8 and higher GR5.  We have gone over the stem and leaf plot and how to analyze data in class.
Reading- skill E- Gr.5

Here is a link that provides extra support with line plot and stem and leaf plots.
Stem and Leaf Plot- How to...
Line Plot or Dot Plot...How to....

*If you notice that your child is scoring consistently above 85%, switch to Grade 6.

We have been preparing and working hard all year, and should be ready to show what we know on the spring MAPS test, which is just two Fridays away!

Next week we will finish Percy Jackson and move on to Maniac Magee. We will also continue to explore poetry. A few kids did not get to recite My Shadow yesterday. We will take care of this on Monday.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions about the Robot project or anything else.
Have a great weekend!

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