CAC 2020 Mathutopia Geometrociy

CAC Updates
-Please bring in pizza money as soon as possible. Notes went home today. $5.00
-All students will receive a keepsake black t-shirt on Friday. This will be your costume.
-Please wear solid black pants, leggings or sweatpants.
-201, bring in some sunglasses. We need them for our skit!

Scroll Down to see...
  • The City Kitty Script
  • The City Kitty music track
  • The opening scene
  • The closing scene
  • The music for the opening and closing scenes

City Kitty Music Track

Coordinate Cats Poetry Jam: 201 City Kitties
Kids dressed in x and y pairs, Kids dressed as various cats, housecats, lions, tigers, cheetahs, etc. Wearing sunglasses. Beat Cats? City Kitties

Opening Joke:
Cat 1: I saw my math teacher with a piece of graph paper yesterday.
Cat 2: Be careful, I think she might be plotting something.
Cat with applause sign walks across stage area

Whole Group:
  1. X and Y whisper snapping increasing in volume
  2. X and Y
  3. X and Y
  4. X and Y
  5. X and Y
  6. Yeah X and Y (shouting)

Group 1
We’re a few cats chllin’ on the grid
Points on a plane livin’ in the BIG  Cid

Group 2
Coordinates tell us where to be
In this place, we call Geometrocity

Group 3
State and Madison Point of Origin
Zero, zero - where it ALL begins

Group 4
X and Y on the axis line
intersecting -just fine

Group 5
We roam the quadrants on the intersections
We plot our points with coordinate directions

Group 6
Yeah we are coordinates and we come in pairs
it’s- not-solitaire. 

Group 7
So if you are looking for a place to go
Plug in the coordinates and hey LETSKOOOOO!

 Dance count for 24

Whole Group
X and Y 
It’s a true bullseye
Listen to the cats you, kids, XY!

X and Y

X and Y

X and Y

X and Y2FLY!

Welcome to Mathutopia
Opening Scene

Animal Family/rabbits (could be mixed animals)  looking for a home- they’ve been displaced due to suburban sprawl/poor city planning  and are embracing city life. As they talk, they are approached by two representatives from Mathutopia: a City Planner and a Real Estate Agent, both animals, in line with the Zootopia/Mathutopia theme.

Bulldozer sounds/construction sounds. Horns beeping..traffic sounds...calm music(like the simpsons intro music “the simpsons” sounds as a sign for Mathtopia appears.

Animal Dad (rabbit?): That’s it! I can’t take this construction any more. There is no rhyme or reason to it!

Animal Mom- This suburban sprawl is digging us out of burrow and home. Bless my carrots, what’s next?

Animal Kid 1: It’s time to pull up our carrots roots and move to the City! 

Animal Kid 2:It’s more 21st Century. And more ecologically sound.

Animal Dad: We want to forage where we feast. 

Animal Mom: And live where we work!

Animal Kid 1: It’s time to get back on the grid. If the coyotes can do it, we can too!

Opening number Whole Group Song: Welcome to Mathutopia: sung to the tune of Bare Necessities

Animal Kid2: Could this be it? We are Looking for a place that feels like home. It has to be orderly like the natural world- 

Animal Kid 1 We want patterns, and symmetry. And congruence.It has to measure up!

Animal mom- Oh, and it’s got to have good schools, really good schools!

Animal dad with dad joke: speaking of schools, did I tell you the one about the geometry teacher who couldn’t come to school- she sprained her angle! LOL, right kid?

Animal kid 1- stop dad, your simplistic view of our mathematical world is embarrassing. 

Animal Kid 2
Don’t you realize that everything is based on math? It’s not a joke! Grow up!

Real estate Agent 1- Whoa! Listen to the big brain on this kid. These are just the kinds of well-rounded creatures we need.

City Planner-  Have we got a place for you.. Mathtopia! We are creating a world- a world based on math.

RE 1- It’s a true Geometrocity- a city with a plan- where the rules of geometry create harmony

City Planner- Where the planes are flat and the nets unite to create a place that’s as harmonious as an equal sign. 

Dad-Geo Metro Wha?

Animal Kid1- Dad. It’s Geometrocity. Sheesz. The principles of geometry are used in all urban planning:- the street grid- the building construction and the parks-

Animal Kid 2 It’s all about geometry- the coordinate plane, area and perimeter, complementary angles….

Re1- slow down there kiddos. How about we show you around and you can see for yourself

City Planner- Pay attention, dad, you just might learn something!

Animal mom-:  Let’s have a looksee around this Geometrocity. Let’s see if it really is a Mathtopia. Let’s see if all of your big talk ADDS up!  I need PROFF!

Go into first video- Cities and Geometry

Closing Scene


SETTING: MOM, DAD, KIDs, REAL ESTATE AGENT, and CITY PLANNER stand CENTER STAGE looking overwhelmed after their journey across Mathtopia. 

CITY PLANNER: And that is Mathopia! (to ANIMAL FAMILY) So what do you think?

MOM: Well, it’s certainly is ACUTE town!  I think that we will fit right in.

DAD- You can say that again, this GeometroCITY really checks all of the SQUARES!

Animal Kid 1- Yes, This city is aligned with my need for precision. It really measures up!
Animal Kid 2- My thoughts are congruent! 

Real Estate Agent- Just sign right here on the straight angle!  Get it!!! LOL- 

Whole family laughs…..

Kids assemble for the whole group finale.

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