Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Where's the Turkey Wednesday

Image result for turkeys

We are working hard to answer that question right now. Kids in 403(ask your kids to explain) are reading clues, eliminating suspects and hope to solve the Case of Stolen Turkey very soon.

Enjoy the long weekend at home. 
There is no regular reading homework.

Don't forget about IXL. I will NOT be checking for 30 minutes this Sunday. I will be checking for an HOUR next Sunday, December 8. Please budget your time. Smart Scores for assigned skills will be entered into Aspen. If kids are not practicing at home, a score of 0 is earned.
Please see the new IXL Express tab to stay informed about skills.
On 12/8, I will enter Smart Scores for Grade 5 A.1/A.2

Image result for happy thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Turkey Tuesday

Today we.....

  • worked so hard to complete ongoing projects.
  • took the Hurricanes test, as many students will be absent tomorrow. I will be here tomorrow, and we have a fun day planned.
This evening at home...
  • help around the house. What can you do to contribute or lend a hand? Ask how.
  • read!

Good To Know
  • If you are not coming to school tomorrow, you will not have time to finish these ongoing projects: NE Scrapbook, Hurricanes Flipbook, Planets Flipbook.
  • I do NOT plan on assigning regular homework over the holiday break. 
  • Kids who do not finish the class work will need to find time to get them done at home. I will extend the due dates for the Hurricane and Scrapbook project until next Friday, December 6. We will not use any more class time to get these done, so please budget your time.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Mashed Potato Monday

Hello Team 201 and 202 families,

Yes, I am thinking about mashed potatoes. However, this is a busy week at school and we are staying productive.  201 and 202 will have slightly different schedules this week, due to assemblies. Check out these reminders so that you can stay in the loop.

  • 201 and 202 took the spelling test today.
  • 201 was NOT able to take the reading test today, due to the Awards Assembly. 201 will take the reading test on Wednesday.
  • 202 was able to take the Hurricanes reading test today.
  • Tomorrow, we have a special assembly in the CAC. The title is "Breakin' it Down: Hip Hop History.
  • our next selection in Journeys is The Life and Times of the Ant. I will post the new spelling list asap.

This evening at home...
-Study for tomorrow's Social Studies quiz. Both 201 and 202 have a quiz on the NE region.
-Read for 20 minutes or more and get a parent signature. Email confirmation is fine.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Friendly Friday

Image result for northeast state and capitals

We all enjoyed spending time with the Big Friendly Giant today. Thank you to our parent volunteers for joining us. Thank you too, to all of the parents who offered to help. We will make sure that parents get an equal opportunity to join us. We should have a trip in December too. I will keep you posted.

This weekend at home....
202 and 201: Study for Monday's reading, vocabulary and spelling tests.
201- Study for Tuesday's Social Study test. You must have the NE states and capitals memorized, and you must know the location of each state when looking at a blank map.

Spelling words:

somebody, fireplace, nearby, make-believe, anything, all right, forehead, classmate,  twenty-two, driveway, alarm clock, 
Vocabulary Words
whirling- to spin quickly.
rapidly- done in quick or speedy fashion.
condense-to change from a gas to liquid form.
source-to point where something comes from.
rotating-To turn on an axis.
rage-To move with great violence.
experience- To have something happen to oneself.
ancient- very old.
predict- To tell about in advance.
registered-To show some kind of information as on a scale or other device.

Comprehension Skills and Strategies:
Text and Graphic Features
Explain Scientific Ideas
Text Structure
Informational Text
Grammar Skill:
Frequently Confused Words
Vocabulary Strategies:
Suffixes –ful, -less, -ness, -ment
Spelling Skill: compound words

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thwindy Thursday

We know that it is windy outside, because we just had a fire drill! It was a bit stressful, and it was very chilly. We all got out of the building quickly and safely, which is the goal.

Right now, kids in 201 are finishing the math test. They will extend their math period a bit, so that everyone will have ample time to finish.
Parents, please support your kids in learning their multiplication facts "like that." Fact fluency sets the foundation for success. With practice, they will get it!

This evening at home...
-read for twenty minutes or more.
-Math: show what you know/vocab builder in Go Math ch 4.
-Science: Mystery Science assessment

-Tomorrow is Field Trip Day! Bring a bag lunch or lunch box to school. We will eat in 201 after the trip.
-Picture forms were sent home earlier this week. I will be collecting money until December 4, which is out picture day.
-We will take a Reading/Vocabulary/Spelling test on Monday.
-The Social Studies Northeast test is on Tuesday. Today, kids had time to record the states and capitals. This information will be on the test.
-Don't forget that I will be checking IXL At Home each Sunday evening. I will be recording Smart Scores in Aspen. This week's skill is K.1. If you finish, move on to another Grade 4 skill.

Get ready for tomorrow's performance!  Image result for the bfg
......When Sophie is snatched from her bed by a Giant, she fears that he’s going to eat her. But the Giant has no intention of harming her - after all, he is THE BIG FRIENDLY GIANT!
The BFG takes her to his cave in Giant Land, where he hides from the other nasty giants. While they're squiffsquiddling off to Turkey ("to have turkey dinner!") he stays behind, cataloging his dreams, the dreams he blows into the ears of sleeping children in hopes of giving them very good sleep.
But when Sophie finds out that the Giants are headed back to England to wreak havoc on English children, she convinces the BFG to help her foil the plot, and no one other than the Queen of England will have to be part of the plan!

-Adapted from Roald Dahl’s modern classic book, this is great fun for students grades K-5, and perfect for libraries and civic centers

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wicked Wednesday

Today's title? It's all about the Northeast. We are working on some wicked-good scrapbook projects.

This evening at home...
-complete pages 135 and 136, which is torn from the Journeys Readers Notebook.
-begin studying for Tuesday's Northeast test.  Students should also know each state and capital in the region. Here is a link to help you study.
-read for twenty minutes or more.

Don't forget that Picture Day is Wednesday 12/4 at 8:30 a.m.  Forms were sent home yesterday

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Timely Tuesday

Hello Team 201 and 202 Families,

This evening at home/news
-tonight, read the Athena passage and answer the questions found on the back.

-don't forget that I will be checking for 30 minutes of IXL Reading every Sunday night. It must be finished no later than 7:30 p.m..Work on skill K.1: Text Features. You are aiming for a Smart Score of 85% or higher. If you get this SS in less than 30 minutes, move on to another skill. I will enter the smart score for Grade 4 K.1 into Aspen. Yes, I will award some extra credit for extra work.

-We will take a Social Studies quiz on Tuesday. I am sending a study guide home today. The study guide is exactly the same as the test. If you study a bit each day, you will do well.

-We will take our reading and spelling tests next Monday. This week, we are working on skills in Journeys and spending some time with Percy Jackson.

Please bring a lunch on Friday. We will eat at school, but we will eat in 201, just like last time.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Making Progress Monday

This evening at home....
-complete pages 133 and 134 in the Readers Notebook. You will need Journeys to complete the task.
-If you have not brought Field Trip money, please bring it tomorrow! The trip is Friday and the cost in 13.00.
-Picture forms are going home today!

  • Thank you to all of the kids who did thirty full minutes of ELA IXL this weekend: D.R., E.C., C. O., H.H., M.H., A.K.  
  • Parents, if you think that your child actually did thirty minutes of engaged practice, you might want to check on them! My dashboard compares "time logged in" and "active practice." 
  • We are shooting for a "smart score" of 85% or higher. This work will count as a homework grade in Q2.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Feeling Free Friday

Today we....
-worked on our Northeast project
-read ahead in Percy Jackson
-worked on the Chapter Review in math
-enjoyed the monthly incentive
-celebrated September, October and November birthday in song

This weekend at home....
-read Hurricanes in Journeys
-complete the vocab foldable (202 only). Word Art on front, definition inside cover, picture and caption sentence inside.
-complete 30 minutes or more of IXL reading.
-Chapter 3 Review odd problems

Field Trip Money is due on Monday!

201 will visit the Book Fair on Monday!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thrilling and Thriving Thursday

1.Field Trip money is due Monday. I am sending home another form this evening. We do not need any more parent volunteers at this time.
***Parents who want to help us in the classroom or on trips must first register on cps university. I will add the link later.
2.Book Fair: We go to the Book Fair on Monday.
3.Picture Day information is going home today.
4.We are beginning our Northeast project today. We will use class time do this project. It may be sent home if class time is not utilized wisely.

This evening at home....
-Read the Poseidon passage and complete the activities found on the back.
-Read for twenty minutes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Field Trip Forms and Volunteers

Hello again!

I forgot to mention that a Field Trip Form went home today. On 11/22, Friday, we will watch a theatrical performance of Roald Dahl's BFG.

  • Money and forms are due 11/18, that's next Monday. 
  • The cost is free for parent volunteers.
  • All parent volunteers must be on the "CPS approved" list.
  • If you would like to join us, please send me an email or write me a note.
Hey, why not read the book so that you can provide an expert review of the performance. I have a few copies, and it is widely available at the library. Click here to learn more about the witty and engaging works of Roald Dahl.

Time To Talk Tuesday

Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year. I am looking forward to seeing all of you at parent teacher conferences. There is still time to sign up for a conference.
201 Parents- follow the link to select your time slot.

We're using to organize our upcoming SignUps.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our SignUp on
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on

Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

202 Parents will sign up for a conference using Ms. Hick's website. If you would like to meet with me, do this: when you arrive at school, you may check my sign in sheet, which will be posted on a desk outside 201. If there is an open spot, you may write in your name.

This evening, and tomorrow, at home...
-complete the SWBST graphic organizer to begin a summary of Percy Jackson, chapter 3. Follow the directions on the sheet to write a summary based on your responses. You know where to find a copy of the novel.  ***You will notice that my Little Red summary contains a fragment sentence. This is what happens when you don't take the time to proofread with care. Fix it for me!
-Read for 30 minutes or more and get a parent signature in your reading log.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Weekend Update

Hello Team 201 and 202 Families!

No School November continues.  Because next week is a short one, we will not take a regular Journeys test. Next week we will begin the new text selection and focus on Percy Jackson. I am including the new study guide for you. Don't forget that you can always access the weekly study guides on the blog. Just look for the "Journeys Study Guides" tab.

Our next reading and spelling test will be November 21.
Spelling words:

somebody, fireplace, nearby, make-believe, anything, all right, forehead, classmate,  twenty-two, driveway, alarm clock, 
Vocabulary Words
whirling- to spin quickly.
rapidly- done in quick or speedy fashion.
condense-to change from a gas to liquid form.
source-to point where something comes from.
rotating-To turn on an axis.
rage-To move with great violence.
experience- To have something happen to oneself.
ancient- very old.
predict- To tell about in advance.
registered-To show some kind of information as on a scale or other device.

Comprehension Skills and Strategies:
Text and Graphic Features
Explain Scientific Ideas
Text Structure
Informational Text
Grammar Skill:
Frequently Confused Words
Vocabulary Strategies:
Suffixes –ful, -less, -ness, -ment
Spelling Skill: compound words

Link for conference sign ups: