- worked on some Halloween grammar.
- created some beautiful sugar skull art.
- corrected last night's math homework and discussed "best" strategies.
- watched some videos and read about the origins of Halloween.
- got ready for tomorrow's estimation lesson. We used rounding and compatible numbers.
- turned into Math Detectives and Solved the Mystery of the Tricking Treat. We had to solve puzzles, and use both our math skills and deductive reasoning.
- worked with a partner on a vocabulary choice board to help us get to know this week's words.
- went to lunch and recess
- came back to 201. We talked about what to expect for the rest of the week (spelling and reading tests on Thursday, the Science Leaf Lab on Thursday, and a special assembly tomorrow and finishing up Tall Tales.
Ask you kids about the origins of this phrase......
This evening at home....
- enjoy trick or treating or a night with family.
- don't eat too much candy!
- Happy Halloween! There is no regular homework tonight.
We need real leaves for Thursday's Science Lab. Kids, you can bring in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors: red, green, yellow and brown.