Monday, November 30, 2015

Make It Happen Monday

Today's blog title refers to Jose Limon, whose stubborn determination helped him rise to the top.  This is our first "regular" week in some time.  I hope that all are well rested and ready for a burst of learning to finish up 2015. Let's finish strong!  We will have a regular Language Arts test on Friday. This means spelling, vocabulary, grammar and comprehension.  All kids were given this week's word list.

This evening at home...

  • complete the Homework and practice for Go Math lesson 4.4. 
  • complete the Readers Notebook pages 109-112. Use the text to help you with the first two pages.  Details, people, details!
  • do some ST Math. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

How to "Grab Bag"

 Hello Team 201, by the time you are reading this it will almost be time to play the Grab Bag game!  But first, did anyone get the answer to yesterday's question? Why was Mr. T melancholy?  What makes you melancholy?

I hope that thinking about being melancholy isn't making you so. Cheer up!  Here are the Grab Bag rules:

  1. Teammate 1 picks the question
  2. Teammate 2 reads the question and refers to the Question Guide for help---Everybody: get your books out. Think and search!
  3. Teammate 3 answers the question. 
  4. Teammate 4 compliments and coaches. Then, teammate 4 asks for group input.
  5. Everybody records their own response on the colored strip. Put the strip in the Reading Notebook pocket.
  6. Move the team mat clockwise one space. Repeat!

How should you label the answers? 
In the top right corner add the chapter and the question number.
For example, 3.2 means chapter 3, question 2.

Answer each "starred question," and don't forget to cite the text evidence!  Need some help? Use these sentence starters:
  • This shows that...
  • I think that....
  • This proves that....
  • I think this means....
Here is your "I can and I will" statement:
Can you cite evidence from the text to support your ideas? Can you make inferences based on evidence? Can you make judgements about characters based on their actions? YES YOU CAN!

Get into the book, and think outside of the wardrobe!

Melancholy Monday

I don't think that today's title really fits, but I like it!   What does melancholy mean? Why is Mr. Tumnus so very melancholy? Please be ready to answer this question tomorrow.

Parents, it was a busy day!  Never fear, I have the Gold Cards and will be checking them after school.

This evening at home...

  • complete the homework and practice for lesson 4.3
  • complete the Turkish Delight and the Good and Evil pages. 
  • finish that Southeast Scrapbook!
  • please make sure to bring TLTWATW to school tomorrow. We need it for the game!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Think Green Thursday

This evening at home....

  • Complete the Vocabulary Floats: pick the 4 words that are the most difficult. Use this week's Journeys story.  Each float should contain: the word, a mini definition, and a sentence. You may use each part of the float!
  • Reread Dear Mr. Winston. We will take a Vocabulary and Comprehension test tomorrow.
  • Complete the Homework and Practice for lesson 4.1

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Time to Reflect Tuesday

That's what your kids are doing right now.  We are reflecting on our behavior and work habits so that are we are prepared to have a productive conference tomorrow.I can't wait to see you all!

This evening at home...

  • Complete the Science Packet that you began last night. Make sure to do all of the reading and activities? There might be a pop quiz on Thursday.
  • Finish the Southeast questions.   The reading packet was handed out last week. It is also posted on Edmodo, as are the questions.  If you have already done some of these questions, you don't have to do them again. We will just staple the two sheets together. 
  • Complete the Turkey Multiples page. You will write the first 10 multiples of each number. Write one multiple in each feather. Then, write the set of multiples on the line below the turkey. The last turkey is blank. Use a number of your choice.   Color, please.

On Thursday, we will begin Chapter 4. I hope that you know your multiplication facts!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Manipulator Monday

Today's story is narrated by a young girl with LOTS of excuses!  Dear Mr. Winston's Clara is neither genuine nor sincere!

This evening at home....

  • Read pp. 103-107 in Science Fusion packet
  • Complete a Fact Finder page based on the information
  • Study for the Math test!
  • Ask your child about the Conference Sheet. If you haven't signed up online, your child is coming home with a sheet today.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sign Up: Parent Teacher Conferences

Hello 201 Families,

Ruby suggested that I post the link for Parent Teacher Conferences again. Good idea, Ruby. Thanks for the suggestion.  Please click on the link to sign up for a conference! If you have a conflict next Wednesday and can't make it, please let me know. We can schedule a conference on a different day or can arrange a phone conference.

Sign Up Here

Theater Thursday

Thank you, Ian J., for providing today's title. It is perfect!

This long weekend at home....
  • Read The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe through page 34
  • Complete the Esperanza Rising Play Review.
  • Finish the Chapter 3 Review. Show your work!
  • If you are not finished, please complete the Southeast Research.
  • Order, Please. This page is due on Monday.
  • Do ST Math. Please! I want victory!
  • Remind your parents to sign up for a Report Card Conference! The link is available on this blog. Scroll down to see the post and link.

201 goes to the Book Fair on Monday!
Parent Teacher Conferences are on Wednesday. Please sign up!
I will stamp Gold Cards and collect all work on Monday. Thanks for your patience.

Click on the links for an  audio version of Esperanza Rising.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Time To Talk Tuesday

Hello Parents and Students,

Please click on the link to schedule your Parent Teacher Conference.   Conferences will be held next Wednesday.  I am looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress and goals!  This is such an important day. Connecting with you helps me help your child!  If you can't make it to Disney next Wednesday, please contact me so that we can schedule a conference at an alternate time.

Here is the link:

Parent Teacher Conferences: Sign Up Here!

Tomorrow is field trip day!  We plan on leaving Disney as soon as the buses are ready for us.  All parent chaperones should in in the Pod by 8:45.   See you tomorrow!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Mixed Up Monday

Today begins the beginning of a mixed- up couple of weeks!  We do not have a Reading Test on Friday. Kids don't even have school on Friday. On Wednesday, we stay home in honor of Veteran's Day. On Thursday, we have our first field trip.  Next week, we have Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, November 18th.  Are you confused yet?

Please continue to check this blog for Parent Teacher Conference time slots.  I hope to post a link this evening.

This evening at home...

  • Finish publishing your Northeast Rap. Check the checklist on Edmodo to make sure that you are on track.
  • Do the Homework and Practice for lesson 3.7 in Go Math.
  • Read a book of your choice for 20 minutes or more.
  • Use this book as the basis for the READING RESPONSE SHEET.  Complete any two sections.  
  • Got internet? Do some ST Math!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Taking Things Literally Thursday

It's a good thing that we know our idioms, or we'd be walking on pins and needles all day!  Today we revisited similes and metaphors too.  We spend some more time on multiplication with regrouping because it is just that important.

This evening at home....

  • complete the Homework and Practice for lesson 3.5
  • do some ST Math
  • reread Me and Uncle Romie. Complete ONE of the "Compare texts" activities.  

Field Trip money is due tomorrow!  We need to pay for the seats in advance.   If you are having a difficulty, please contact me so that we can try to make arrangements.

Thank you for bringing in the Kleenex, Max and Hannah!

Do you have a copy of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at home?  I would like to read this book with the class, but I only have 23 copies of the book. If you are able to borrow or buy a copy for your child, this would be great!

Amazon: The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

I will soon be posting a link to Sign Up Genius so that we can schedule our Parent Teacher Conferences.  This usually works out well. I can't wait to meet with you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

When Pigs Fly Wednesday

Today Mason offered this idiom as an example of figurative language.  Thanks, Mason.   Yes, we discussed idioms today.  Your kids had some great ideas.  It's too bad that today isn't Thursday, because we could have used the title Throwback Math Thursday.  Many parents have already taught their kids how to do double digit multiplication the "old fashioned way."   Today we made it official.   We also had our pictures taken and made time for the Science Lab, where we explored mixtures.  We started our day with some rhyming. The Northeast Region Raps and Songs are coming together beautifully. Groups were able to offer their peers a few verses today.  We should be finished on Friday.

This evening at home....

  • Complete the Idiom page, front and back.  Select one idiom for each spot. There are 4.  Here are some ideas: face the music, sly as a fox, ray of sunshine, cracked the case, cost an arm and a leg, pulling my leg, hit the sack, needle in a haystack.  Use one of these, or find your own.  Try to learn something new. No raining cats and dog, please.  
  • Complete the following problems in Lesson 3.5 found on pages 173 and 174: 4,6,10,14,15,16,17,18,29.  You do NOT need to do the Homework and Practice.
  • Study this week's vocabulary words. Check out the slide show on the Journeys Study Guides tab for lesson 8.

  • Bring in your trip money. It is due on Friday!
  • If you are able to donate Kleenex, please do. We are down to scratchy paper towels. Ouch!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday Thoughts

Picture Day is tomorrow!
Field Trip forms and money are due Friday

This evening at home...
1, Math 3.4
2. Finish the Romie Questions
3. Use your notes and your science book to complete the cartoon on Solutions and Mixtures.  Make it informative and colorful.

Do Dat Dance...homework

On Monday we dance.  Each week Mrs. Smith assigns homework. It is due each Wednesday. Mrs. Smith comes to 201 to collect the assignments. Put this on your weekly calendar!  Students who do not turn in the work will receive a 0 in the gradebook.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Meaningful Mess Monday

Today we read one of my favorite pieces in Journeys.  Me and Uncle Romie is realistic fiction that was inspired by the life and work of artist Romaine Bearden.  We discussed point of view, perspective, and talked about how an artist's experiences may influence his or her art work.

We spent more time on double digit multiplication too.  Those boxes, combined with the partial products method, really make this skill easier!

Thanks to all of the offers for field trip help! We have Sydney's mom and Elizabeth's mom joining us this time.  Don't forget that all forms and fees are due on Friday!

This evening at home....

  • complete pages 85-88 in the Readers Notebook
  • Reread Me and Uncle Romie
  • complete the homework and practice for Math lesson 3.3
  • don't forget that Math Test corrections are due no later than Friday!
  • don't forget that trip forms and fees are due no later than Friday. The cost is $10.oo.  If you don not have the form, please write a note that includes your signed permission and emergency contact information.