Hello Team 201, by the time you are reading this it will almost be time to play the Grab Bag game! But first, did anyone get the answer to yesterday's question? Why was Mr. T melancholy? What makes you melancholy?
I hope that thinking about being melancholy isn't making you so. Cheer up! Here are the Grab Bag rules:
- Teammate 1 picks the question
- Teammate 2 reads the question and refers to the Question Guide for help---Everybody: get your books out. Think and search!
- Teammate 3 answers the question.
- Teammate 4 compliments and coaches. Then, teammate 4 asks for group input.
- Everybody records their own response on the colored strip. Put the strip in the Reading Notebook pocket.
- Move the team mat clockwise one space. Repeat!
How should you label the answers?
In the top right corner add the chapter and the question number.
For example, 3.2 means chapter 3, question 2.
Answer each "starred question," and don't forget to cite the text evidence! Need some help? Use these sentence starters:
- This shows that...
- I think that....
- This proves that....
- I think this means....
Here is your "I can and I will" statement:
Can you cite evidence from the text to support your ideas? Can you make inferences based on evidence? Can you make judgements about characters based on their actions? YES YOU CAN!
Get into the book, and think outside of the wardrobe! |