There is not regular homework this weekend.
The robot project is due on Tuesday.
Monday is FIELD DAY! Don't forget to bring a bag lunch. Stay tuned for updates. If you have not sent in the green note, and would like to donate a class treat or help run the games, please send me an email.
Unity Through Teamwork.......Safety Through Respect.......Achievement Through Effort
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Friday, May 31, 2019
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Terrific Thstar Thstudent Thanos Tater Tot Thinking Thabout Thweather Thon Thield Thday Thursday
Hello Team 201 Families,
It's a goofy group and it's a goofy title. That's us. Or, that's thus.
I hope that basements are dry and that all are well. Please let me know if you have any questions about the Robot Project. I have received several PowerPoint/Keynote presentations already. If you are having trouble sending the file, you may want to use Google Drive. The project is due June 4, which is Tuesday.
Field Day Weather is looking good: sunny, but a bit on the chilly side.
-Finish the Final Draft of the FurTrapper/Voyageur letter. The following kids are finished: BC,ZK,KK,AA,NL, MH,NZ, LB.
-Math HWP 13.1. We did not do the lesson today, but we have spent days and days practicing how to calculate area.
-Read, get confirmation.
Tomorrow we will take a short test based on the chapters we have read in Maniac Magee. It will be an open book test.
Food Drive for Lakeview Pantry-
Disney is holding a food drive! The pod that collects the most non perishable items will earn an extra recess. Let's make this happen!
It's a goofy group and it's a goofy title. That's us. Or, that's thus.
I hope that basements are dry and that all are well. Please let me know if you have any questions about the Robot Project. I have received several PowerPoint/Keynote presentations already. If you are having trouble sending the file, you may want to use Google Drive. The project is due June 4, which is Tuesday.
Field Day Weather is looking good: sunny, but a bit on the chilly side.
-Finish the Final Draft of the FurTrapper/Voyageur letter. The following kids are finished: BC,ZK,KK,AA,NL, MH,NZ, LB.
-Math HWP 13.1. We did not do the lesson today, but we have spent days and days practicing how to calculate area.
-Read, get confirmation.
Tomorrow we will take a short test based on the chapters we have read in Maniac Magee. It will be an open book test.
Food Drive for Lakeview Pantry-
Disney is holding a food drive! The pod that collects the most non perishable items will earn an extra recess. Let's make this happen!
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Better Weather Wednesday
This evening at home...
-study for tomorrow's math test. The review has been corrected!
-read for 25 minutes or longer and bring a note(or email)
Parents, we need Field Day help. Games and relay races don't happen without parent help. Please let me know if you can make it. A bright green note went home yesterday.
Don't forget: The Robot Project is due on Tuesday. We will give our presentations in class and show off the actual robots in the CAC.
-study for tomorrow's math test. The review has been corrected!
-read for 25 minutes or longer and bring a note(or email)
Parents, we need Field Day help. Games and relay races don't happen without parent help. Please let me know if you can make it. A bright green note went home yesterday.
Don't forget: The Robot Project is due on Tuesday. We will give our presentations in class and show off the actual robots in the CAC.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Hello Team 201 Families,
Today we returned to our regular Go Math pacing. We will spend a few days reviewing, which we began today. I hope that we will be ready for a Chapter 12 test on Thursday.
This evening at home...
-Finish the Math Review
-Read, and send a confirmation email or note.
Parents, look out for the Green Field Day note!
Feel free to send me the Energy Robot Powerpoint as soon as it is done. Questions? Send me a note or an email!
Today we returned to our regular Go Math pacing. We will spend a few days reviewing, which we began today. I hope that we will be ready for a Chapter 12 test on Thursday.
This evening at home...
-Finish the Math Review
-Read, and send a confirmation email or note.
Parents, look out for the Green Field Day note!
Feel free to send me the Energy Robot Powerpoint as soon as it is done. Questions? Send me a note or an email!
Friday, May 24, 2019
Hello Team201 Families,
I will revise today's blog post after I get some ideas from your kids. We are so thrilled to have the MAPS test behind us. Those of us who need to finish a test, or make up a test due to illness, will get the opportunity next week.
This weekend at home...
-enjoy time with family
-clean some thing around the house without being asked to do so
Work on the Robot Project. Remember, I will accept power point presentations at any time! If you have a solid plan for the robot construction, it is possible to complete the Power Point before you complete the robot. The PP presentation photos should illustrate the type of energy used. You can include photos of the robot function too. For example, on the slide for thermal energy, I might include a photo or diagram of thermal energy at work.
Please let me know if you have any questions! I can't wait to see the projects on JUNE 4th!
I will revise today's blog post after I get some ideas from your kids. We are so thrilled to have the MAPS test behind us. Those of us who need to finish a test, or make up a test due to illness, will get the opportunity next week.
This weekend at home...
-enjoy time with family
-clean some thing around the house without being asked to do so
Work on the Robot Project. Remember, I will accept power point presentations at any time! If you have a solid plan for the robot construction, it is possible to complete the Power Point before you complete the robot. The PP presentation photos should illustrate the type of energy used. You can include photos of the robot function too. For example, on the slide for thermal energy, I might include a photo or diagram of thermal energy at work.
Please let me know if you have any questions! I can't wait to see the projects on JUNE 4th!
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Totally Thoughtful Thinking Thursday
Hello Team201 Families,
Tomorrow, we take the EOY Math MAPS test. This evening, I am not assigning regular homework.
Last night's reading homework was to read for thirty minutes or more. I asked for a confirmation note from parents. I only received notes from the following students: Kenneth, Mariam, Nariah, Zizi, Terrence, and Addis. Sad face.
Robot Project News:
Mrs. Collazo and I are working together to reserve a space to show off our robot projects. It will most likely be on June 4th. Students who are finished with the Powerpoint presentation early, may turn it in early. I would like to begin presentations next week.
Tomorrow, we take the EOY Math MAPS test. This evening, I am not assigning regular homework.
Last night's reading homework was to read for thirty minutes or more. I asked for a confirmation note from parents. I only received notes from the following students: Kenneth, Mariam, Nariah, Zizi, Terrence, and Addis. Sad face.
Robot Project News:
Mrs. Collazo and I are working together to reserve a space to show off our robot projects. It will most likely be on June 4th. Students who are finished with the Powerpoint presentation early, may turn it in early. I would like to begin presentations next week.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Weather Relief Wednesday
I don't want to jinx us, but I think that I see that mysterious glowing orb fighting its way through the rain clouds.Welcome back, Sun. It's the end of May and we have been expecting you.
-Field Day has been scheduled for June 3. This means that we will push back the Energy Robot due date a day or two. I will keep you posted.
-We take the Math MAPS test this Friday.
-We will continue with our regular math curriculum next week, which means that we will review Chapter 12, test, and continue on the Chapter 13.
-All of the material from Chapter 13 has already been covered in class. We have been pushing in this learning during our regular math time and during our morning warm ups. I wanted to make sure that all of the Grade 4 material was practiced before end-of-year testing. These last few weeks, we have been reviewing and pushing forward with more advanced material.
-I will be posting a pdf of Maniac Magee on the website so that kids can read ahead and use the book to help with homework. We have hard copies in class, but I want to hold on to them!
This evening at home...
-complete the Chapter 13, one-page review sheet. We have covered this material in class and have had lots of practice with area, perimeter, and using formulas
-Read for 30 minutes or more and bring a confirmation note. Parent, please send me this confirmation! Email works too.
Check out these videos about area and perimeter and volume and yes, how to find the area of a triangle.
-Field Day has been scheduled for June 3. This means that we will push back the Energy Robot due date a day or two. I will keep you posted.
-We take the Math MAPS test this Friday.
-We will continue with our regular math curriculum next week, which means that we will review Chapter 12, test, and continue on the Chapter 13.
-All of the material from Chapter 13 has already been covered in class. We have been pushing in this learning during our regular math time and during our morning warm ups. I wanted to make sure that all of the Grade 4 material was practiced before end-of-year testing. These last few weeks, we have been reviewing and pushing forward with more advanced material.
-I will be posting a pdf of Maniac Magee on the website so that kids can read ahead and use the book to help with homework. We have hard copies in class, but I want to hold on to them!
This evening at home...
-complete the Chapter 13, one-page review sheet. We have covered this material in class and have had lots of practice with area, perimeter, and using formulas
Check out these videos about area and perimeter and volume and yes, how to find the area of a triangle.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Tremendous Tuesday
This evening at home...
-Maniac Magee Review sheet
-Math 12.11~ Patterns in Measurement Units HWP
-Maniac Magee Review sheet
-Math 12.11~ Patterns in Measurement Units HWP
Monday, May 20, 2019
Maniac Monday
Hello Team 201 Families!
Don't forget that the Robot Energy project is due on June 3. This project includes a Powerpoint Presentation and a model "robot." We had a Q and A session today.
This evening at home....
-Science "Heat" page: front and back
-Go Math: Lesson 12.10 HW. We did mixed measurement problems on a separate sheet today. This is why the book lesson is not done.
Parents, can you please confirm that you have the Energy Robot handout? Some kids have already been given two copies!
I can make some more copies, but I would like confirmation that you have looked for it at home and in the bookbag.
Don't forget that the Robot Energy project is due on June 3. This project includes a Powerpoint Presentation and a model "robot." We had a Q and A session today.
This evening at home....
-Science "Heat" page: front and back
-Go Math: Lesson 12.10 HW. We did mixed measurement problems on a separate sheet today. This is why the book lesson is not done.
Parents, can you please confirm that you have the Energy Robot handout? Some kids have already been given two copies!
I can make some more copies, but I would like confirmation that you have looked for it at home and in the bookbag.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Frantic Friendy Friday
This evening at home....
-IXL Math D.1-D.5 6th grade Exponents and Square Roots (Not all required, at least three). Let's shoot for 30 minutes or more.
Other suggested topics for review:
Coordinate Plane
Multiplying and Dividing fractions and decimals
Area and Perimeter
PEDMAS- order of operations
Basic Multiplication-double and triple digit.
Progress Reports are going home today!
-IXL Math D.1-D.5 6th grade Exponents and Square Roots (Not all required, at least three). Let's shoot for 30 minutes or more.
Other suggested topics for review:
Coordinate Plane
Multiplying and Dividing fractions and decimals
Area and Perimeter
PEDMAS- order of operations
Basic Multiplication-double and triple digit.
Progress Reports are going home today!
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Test Time Thursday

This evening at home....
-get into game mode: rest, get ready for school before you go to bed, and get ready to show us what you know tomorrow.
You are ready!
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Wacky Wednesday
This evening at home....
-Work on IXL Math Grade 5-7: Time Zones;Elapsed Time
-Poetry: Read How Doth the Little Crocodile and complete the response activities.
On Friday, we take the EOY ELA Maps test. On this day, 201 will show some Team 201 Test Day Spirit. Our class has decided that the theme of the day will be Wear Your Favorite Shirt/Outfit.
*school dress code policy does apply!
Parents, have you completed your homework?
I am hoping that each parent will write a destressing-encouraging-motivating-MAPOGRAM for his or her child. These forms were sent home in a sealed envelope last week.
It's not too late!
-Work on IXL Math Grade 5-7: Time Zones;Elapsed Time
-Poetry: Read How Doth the Little Crocodile and complete the response activities.
On Friday, we take the EOY ELA Maps test. On this day, 201 will show some Team 201 Test Day Spirit. Our class has decided that the theme of the day will be Wear Your Favorite Shirt/Outfit.
*school dress code policy does apply!
Parents, have you completed your homework?
I am hoping that each parent will write a destressing-encouraging-motivating-MAPOGRAM for his or her child. These forms were sent home in a sealed envelope last week.
It's not too late!
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Time's Ticking Till Testing Tuesday
Many hands make light work, when it comes to creating blog title.
This evening at home....
Grammar/Writing Skills packet: lesson 6
*there is no penalty for doing extra work!
IXL Reading- continue where you left off yesterday or in class today. See yesterday's post!
Math: HWP lesson 12.9
This evening at home....
Grammar/Writing Skills packet: lesson 6
*there is no penalty for doing extra work!
IXL Reading- continue where you left off yesterday or in class today. See yesterday's post!
Math: HWP lesson 12.9
Monday, May 13, 2019
Managing Monday
Today we managed to stay very quiet for a very long time. 202 was testing in the pod, and we did our best to support them. We worked on Go Math 12.8, finished Percy Jackson, completed an end of book response, and worked on individual IXL goals.
This evening at home...
-IXL Reading. Work these skills, grade 5. H.1-J.2. If you are scoring an easy 100%, move up the grade 6 or higher, focusing on the same skill. I understand that you will not finish all of this tonight! Your goal should be 25-30 minutes of concentrated effort.
-Go Math hwp 12. 8. Use the chart on the lesson pages to help you.
Parents, don't forget about the special assignment that I sent home last Friday. Look for the envelope that has your child's name. Open it. Complete the task and send it back to me by Friday.
Our next book is...
This evening at home...
-IXL Reading. Work these skills, grade 5. H.1-J.2. If you are scoring an easy 100%, move up the grade 6 or higher, focusing on the same skill. I understand that you will not finish all of this tonight! Your goal should be 25-30 minutes of concentrated effort.
-Go Math hwp 12. 8. Use the chart on the lesson pages to help you.
Parents, don't forget about the special assignment that I sent home last Friday. Look for the envelope that has your child's name. Open it. Complete the task and send it back to me by Friday.
Our next book is...
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Weekend Update
Hello Team201 Families
I just realized that I never got around to posting yesterday.
*****In your child's bookbag, you will find a sealed envelope, addressed to you.*****
Please open it, read the letter and complete the activity. I am hoping that each child will have a response from a family member.
Our first MAPS test, ELA, in on Friday!
This weekend, kids should try to squeeze in some advanced IXL- fifth grade or higher- and complete the hwp for 12.6. Most finished this in class.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions about the "envelope" activity. Happy Mothers Day!! I have to run and be a mother!
I just realized that I never got around to posting yesterday.
*****In your child's bookbag, you will find a sealed envelope, addressed to you.*****
Please open it, read the letter and complete the activity. I am hoping that each child will have a response from a family member.
Our first MAPS test, ELA, in on Friday!
This weekend, kids should try to squeeze in some advanced IXL- fifth grade or higher- and complete the hwp for 12.6. Most finished this in class.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions about the "envelope" activity. Happy Mothers Day!! I have to run and be a mother!
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Winding Up Wednesday
This evening at home....
-finish the Lesson 13 packet begun last night. Finish everything except for the "Learning Target"on the back page.
-Line Plots: 12.5
Finish the first draft of the secret letter.
Don't forget about the Robot Project. Go to the tab on this blog to see all of the information.
MAPS Testing
5/17 and 5/24
A special letter about testing will go home tomorrow.
Parents, please help us reinforce good behavior at school. We all know that Spring has sprung. Students deserve recess and breaks. Let's not let negative behaviors, even small ones like talking out of turn, get in the way of our free time and learning time.
Parents, we are having some issues with bad language at school. I am also aware that many kids are exposed to lots of bad language online, especially when gaming. I would recommend checking your child's phone and gaming history. What's going on inside of those headphones. Plenty!
-finish the Lesson 13 packet begun last night. Finish everything except for the "Learning Target"on the back page.
-Line Plots: 12.5
Finish the first draft of the secret letter.
Don't forget about the Robot Project. Go to the tab on this blog to see all of the information.
MAPS Testing
5/17 and 5/24
A special letter about testing will go home tomorrow.
Parents, please help us reinforce good behavior at school. We all know that Spring has sprung. Students deserve recess and breaks. Let's not let negative behaviors, even small ones like talking out of turn, get in the way of our free time and learning time.
Parents, we are having some issues with bad language at school. I am also aware that many kids are exposed to lots of bad language online, especially when gaming. I would recommend checking your child's phone and gaming history. What's going on inside of those headphones. Plenty!
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Thundering Thrilling Thanos Taco Thunderful Thluid Ounces Thnot Thursday Tuesday
Today's title was a group effort. Thwell done, 201.
This evening at home....
-Go Math 12.4
-Reading: Lesson 13 Unfamiliar Words. Do the following: p.202- 205. You do not need to do numbers 2 and 3 on page 205.
There are several new article added on Newsela. If you have time, read one or two and take the quizzes.
This evening at home....
-Go Math 12.4
-Reading: Lesson 13 Unfamiliar Words. Do the following: p.202- 205. You do not need to do numbers 2 and 3 on page 205.
There are several new article added on Newsela. If you have time, read one or two and take the quizzes.
Monday, May 6, 2019
Monday Musings
Today's musings will be short...
This evening at home...
-complete the hwp for Go Math 12.3
-IXL Reading:Grade 5 Y I will be checking!!! If you do not have internet access, please do extra reading and finish the skill packet for this week(context clues)
-finish last week's skills packet. Most are finished!
*Bus riders: and important memo is going home today! Please look for it and return it to school with the required information.
* The Q3 Awards assembly is tomorrow morning. It is on the Disney calendar, and I apologize that it has not been posted on the blog. Second Floor awards are at 8:45. Students who are receiving an award have been given a blue flyer.
* MAPS data is going home this afternoon. We spent some time goal-setting today. Kids identified skills on IXL that they can work on to help them meet these goals.
This evening at home...
-complete the hwp for Go Math 12.3
-IXL Reading:Grade 5 Y I will be checking!!! If you do not have internet access, please do extra reading and finish the skill packet for this week(context clues)
-finish last week's skills packet. Most are finished!
*Bus riders: and important memo is going home today! Please look for it and return it to school with the required information.
* The Q3 Awards assembly is tomorrow morning. It is on the Disney calendar, and I apologize that it has not been posted on the blog. Second Floor awards are at 8:45. Students who are receiving an award have been given a blue flyer.
* MAPS data is going home this afternoon. We spent some time goal-setting today. Kids identified skills on IXL that they can work on to help them meet these goals.

Saturday, May 4, 2019
Sunny Saturday
Hello Team201 Familes,
Good morning. The positive effects of a sunny morning are incredible. Maybe your 201 student can explain a bit about radiant energy to you today?
This week we began a new unit: Forms of Energy. We started by exploring the definition of energy and the differences between potential and kinetic energy. There is a good brainpop, and the Study Jams video is also very helpful. Both are linked on the blog tabs. Next week, we'll learn about different forms of energy: thermal, mechanical, gravitational, sound, light... In the following weeks we'll be exploring how energy is transferred via conduction, convection and radiation. Later, we'll have some fun learning about electrical energy.
Do you know about the Robot Project? Papers were sent home this week. Find the tab above called Energy Robot to learn more. No, you should not go out and buy a robot! Kids and families can assemble their projects reusing household items.
Yes, some kids who are mechanically minded, or have a family member who is, will create robots that have some moving parts or "bells and whistles." If this works for you, great. If not, no problem! The powerpoint/keynote project meets technology standards and offers a different way for kids to present what they've learned. In class, I will be reinforcing that the powerpoint slides should be grammatically correct. Don't rely on spellcheck alone!
This weekend at home....
-IXL Math and Reading
Each child should work in about 20-30 minutes of each.
Math- skill "W.8 and higher GR5. We have gone over the stem and leaf plot and how to analyze data in class.
Reading- skill E- Gr.5
Here is a link that provides extra support with line plot and stem and leaf plots.
Stem and Leaf Plot- How to...
Line Plot or Dot Plot...How to....
*If you notice that your child is scoring consistently above 85%, switch to Grade 6.
We have been preparing and working hard all year, and should be ready to show what we know on the spring MAPS test, which is just two Fridays away!
Next week we will finish Percy Jackson and move on to Maniac Magee. We will also continue to explore poetry. A few kids did not get to recite My Shadow yesterday. We will take care of this on Monday.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions about the Robot project or anything else.
Have a great weekend!
Good morning. The positive effects of a sunny morning are incredible. Maybe your 201 student can explain a bit about radiant energy to you today?
This week we began a new unit: Forms of Energy. We started by exploring the definition of energy and the differences between potential and kinetic energy. There is a good brainpop, and the Study Jams video is also very helpful. Both are linked on the blog tabs. Next week, we'll learn about different forms of energy: thermal, mechanical, gravitational, sound, light... In the following weeks we'll be exploring how energy is transferred via conduction, convection and radiation. Later, we'll have some fun learning about electrical energy.
Do you know about the Robot Project? Papers were sent home this week. Find the tab above called Energy Robot to learn more. No, you should not go out and buy a robot! Kids and families can assemble their projects reusing household items.
Yes, some kids who are mechanically minded, or have a family member who is, will create robots that have some moving parts or "bells and whistles." If this works for you, great. If not, no problem! The powerpoint/keynote project meets technology standards and offers a different way for kids to present what they've learned. In class, I will be reinforcing that the powerpoint slides should be grammatically correct. Don't rely on spellcheck alone!
This weekend at home....
-IXL Math and Reading
Each child should work in about 20-30 minutes of each.
Math- skill "W.8 and higher GR5. We have gone over the stem and leaf plot and how to analyze data in class.
Reading- skill E- Gr.5
Here is a link that provides extra support with line plot and stem and leaf plots.
Stem and Leaf Plot- How to...
Line Plot or Dot Plot...How to....
*If you notice that your child is scoring consistently above 85%, switch to Grade 6.
We have been preparing and working hard all year, and should be ready to show what we know on the spring MAPS test, which is just two Fridays away!
Next week we will finish Percy Jackson and move on to Maniac Magee. We will also continue to explore poetry. A few kids did not get to recite My Shadow yesterday. We will take care of this on Monday.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions about the Robot project or anything else.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, May 2, 2019
This evening at home....
-Complete the PJ activities for Chapters 17 and 18.
-My Shadow T3 is due tomorrow.
-Go Math 12.1 hwp.
Finish today's "energy" classwork. Most kids are almost finished with this! They are working hard right now!
-Complete the PJ activities for Chapters 17 and 18.
-My Shadow T3 is due tomorrow.
-Go Math 12.1 hwp.
Finish today's "energy" classwork. Most kids are almost finished with this! They are working hard right now!
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Weird Science Wednesday
Thank you for sending in the jars, Alka Seltzer, oil and supplies. Avram's mom sent in some cool stickers and chalk, and we were able to add one to each jar this morning. Ask you kids about today's lab. It was really cool. We are still working on creating detailed observations.
This evening at home...
-Complete the "Check What you Know," front and back of Go Math Chapter 12. Cut out the vocabulary cards and put them in a baggie or clip them. Bring them to school.
-Complete the Percy Jackson activity. We read these chapters in class. The book is linked in the Mythology tab of this blog.
Parents, I hope that you have seen the Robot Project. I have created a tab that contains pictures and some samples.
Results from the math test are on Think Central.
This evening at home...
-Complete the "Check What you Know," front and back of Go Math Chapter 12. Cut out the vocabulary cards and put them in a baggie or clip them. Bring them to school.
-Complete the Percy Jackson activity. We read these chapters in class. The book is linked in the Mythology tab of this blog.
Parents, I hope that you have seen the Robot Project. I have created a tab that contains pictures and some samples.
Results from the math test are on Think Central.
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