This weekend at home...
-Finish coloring the flag.
-Finish the Immigration/Heritage sheet. Do the best you can!
-Make sure that you bring sharpened pencils to school on Monday.
Don't forget to bring a book to school.
*If you did not finish the Snake Project, get it to me asap. It is late.
Parents, there is a CAC note in the backpack!
Unity Through Teamwork.......Safety Through Respect.......Achievement Through Effort
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Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Thankful Thursday
We are a week off, but still thankful.
This evening at home...
-Dear Mr. Winston comprehension
-Division with remainders sheet. The two digit divisor problems are "challenge" work. Try em!!
Reading Test tomorrow
This evening at home...
-Dear Mr. Winston comprehension
-Division with remainders sheet. The two digit divisor problems are "challenge" work. Try em!!
Reading Test tomorrow
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Web Wednesday
This evening at home...
-In the SW magazine, read and ANNOTATE Toward Statehood and The Mexican American War. For each article, write down one fun fact and two questions.
-IXL Math or Math FActs practice. Get signature.
-In the SW magazine, read and ANNOTATE Toward Statehood and The Mexican American War. For each article, write down one fun fact and two questions.
-IXL Math or Math FActs practice. Get signature.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Times Tables Tuesday
Hello Team 201-
Today we spent a bunch of time preparing for tomorrow's math test. Kids who know their times tables "like that" are at a distinct advantage. We are going for 100% Master of facts, 1-12!
Tomorrow's math test will be about 7 questions shorter than usual. I am focusing on what I think are the essential skills. Kids need to know how to find common factors and explain the difference between prime and composite numbers. They will be asked to find factors of a given number and test for divisibility. They will be also be asked to find, describe and continue number patterns.
This evening at home...
-Study for the Math test!
-In the Southwest Magazine, read or reread the pages titled: Early History of the Southwest. Annotate the page(not just highlight).
-Write down one fun fact and two questions you have about what you read.
Today we spent a bunch of time preparing for tomorrow's math test. Kids who know their times tables "like that" are at a distinct advantage. We are going for 100% Master of facts, 1-12!
Tomorrow's math test will be about 7 questions shorter than usual. I am focusing on what I think are the essential skills. Kids need to know how to find common factors and explain the difference between prime and composite numbers. They will be asked to find factors of a given number and test for divisibility. They will be also be asked to find, describe and continue number patterns.
This evening at home...
-Study for the Math test!
-In the Southwest Magazine, read or reread the pages titled: Early History of the Southwest. Annotate the page(not just highlight).
-Write down one fun fact and two questions you have about what you read.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Messy Morning Monday
Hello Team 201 Families!
It was great to see so many of you in school today and to hear about Thanksgiving holiday celebrations.
Today we...
-warmed up with some morning math
-discussed this week's vocabulary words.
-read and discussed Dear Mr. Winston, this week's Journeys selection.
-gave "shout outs" to kids that did a fantabulous job using the rubric and online checklist to guide their work on the Southeast Scrapbook project.
-continued our work with number patterns in lesson 5.6. We will be ready to Test on Wednesday or Thursday.
-Discussed food webs and food chains.
This evening at home...
It was great to see so many of you in school today and to hear about Thanksgiving holiday celebrations.
Today we...
-warmed up with some morning math
-discussed this week's vocabulary words.
-read and discussed Dear Mr. Winston, this week's Journeys selection.
-gave "shout outs" to kids that did a fantabulous job using the rubric and online checklist to guide their work on the Southeast Scrapbook project.
-continued our work with number patterns in lesson 5.6. We will be ready to Test on Wednesday or Thursday.
-Discussed food webs and food chains.
This evening at home...
- complete the double sided "word work" page: Spelling Word Sort and Vocabulary Blanks. You do NOT need to do the "Make your own fill in the blank" activity on the very bottom of the page.
- Complete problems 1-8 in the Chapter Review.
- Read!
- *Show your parents the Math Test. Kids who want to do corrections on a separate sheet of paper may do so. Each correction must include all work and an explanation.
Have you finished any books this year? Make sure to bring in a list so that you can add it to your Readers Notebook.
Kids who were absent today....
-Read Dear Mr. Winston.
-try to complete page 97 and 98 in the Journeys Readers Notebook. You can find it on Think Central. If you can't find it, you will get the page when you return from school.
-We finished the hwp for lesson 5.6 in class today, FYI.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Thankful Tuesday
Hello Team 201 Families!
I hope that you all enjoy a restful Thanksgiving break! This long weekend, there is not any regularly assigned homework.
All students should be reading this weekend!
Extra activities...
I hope that you all enjoy a restful Thanksgiving break! This long weekend, there is not any regularly assigned homework.
All students should be reading this weekend!
Extra activities...
- IXL Reading and Math
- Practice Math Facts
- Read some more!
- Look over Go Math Chapter 5. We will work on the Review next Monday and should be ready to test on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Our first day in the CAC is December 3! Get ready for Disney Diversity...Passport to the Future. We will be celebrating all things Disney: our unique and shared culture, and the many skills we are learning that will carry us into the 21st century.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Many kids are chattering about the temperature outside. All kids need hats, mittens, and warm coats to be prepared for recess. Remember, the roof top playground is cold and windy.
This evening at home:
-finish the factors and multiples work.
-IXL Math D. 4, A.14, L.8, D.5, E.16,E.17 You won't be able to finish all of this, but spend about 30 minutes on math homework tonight.
-Finish the Humphrey Comprehension . We have a test on the vocabulary and the comp tomorrow.
Ask your child about today's Owl Pellet Lab!
Tomorrow's activities will be centered around Thanksgiving.
This evening at home:
-finish the factors and multiples work.
-IXL Math D. 4, A.14, L.8, D.5, E.16,E.17 You won't be able to finish all of this, but spend about 30 minutes on math homework tonight.
-Finish the Humphrey Comprehension . We have a test on the vocabulary and the comp tomorrow.
Ask your child about today's Owl Pellet Lab!
Tomorrow's activities will be centered around Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Fine Time Friday
Today's trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory was fantastic. Many thanks to our parent volunteers!
This weekend at home....
1.Put finishing touches on the SE Scrapbook. It is due MOnday. Late projects will lose points. Use the rubric on the back to make sure that you are on track. Below, you will find the checklist we have been using in school.
Southeast Scrapbook Checklist
***I have
created a cover page
for my scrapbook that will attract the reader!
This weekend at home....
1.Put finishing touches on the SE Scrapbook. It is due MOnday. Late projects will lose points. Use the rubric on the back to make sure that you are on track. Below, you will find the checklist we have been using in school.
Southeast Scrapbook Checklist
- Paragraphs use complete sentences. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct.
- Each picture is detailed and colored.
- Each picture contains an informative caption
- The back page is complete.
- I have read the rubric on the back and completed
***I have
created a cover page
for my scrapbook that will attract the reader!
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Thinking Thursday
This evening at home...
-Complete the HW and P for Go Math lesson 5.5
-Pack a bag lunch for tomorrow's FIELD TRIP
Here are some snapshots of today's learning:

-Complete the HW and P for Go Math lesson 5.5
-Pack a bag lunch for tomorrow's FIELD TRIP
Here are some snapshots of today's learning:

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Time Flies Tuesday
Tomorrow is Conference Day!
All students were given a note today that confirms your appointment time. I will do my best to stay on schedule. If we need to talk for more than the allotted 10 minutes, let's make sure to schedule an additional phone or face to face conference.
If you did not schedule an appointment, it is not too late!
Click here to find available times.
Parents, if your schedule changes, please note that I will have report cards waiting at your child's "homebase" spot. Feel free to sign in and grab the report card. We can reschedule our meeting. You may want to look at the report card while you are waiting for me. No problem!
Today we....
- Worked on the SE Scrapbook Project
- Reviewed multiplication comparisons
- read and listened to The World According the Humphrey.
- corrected last night's math homework and reviewed how to find common factors.
- wrote Q1 Reflections and recorded a special video message for YOU, parents.
- met in small groups to work on finding multiples and factors.
- went to Art
- wrote down our homework
This evening at home....
- Check your assignment notebook! Kids were told today that they would need to be responsible for writing down the homework correctly. It will not be posted this time. Parents, check the assignment notebook. It should be there. Hint: There is some math, there is some reading and there is some IXL for kids who have access.
- Our Field Trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory is this Friday. All students should bring a lunch. We will be eating at school, but will eat a picnic lunch in the classroom.
- Parent helpers should arrive at about 9. We will leave at 9:15. Parents, I will ask that you do not buy your group food at the Conservatory. Thank you!
- Next week is another short week. We will be together on Monday and Tuesday and then break for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
- The following Monday is our first day in the CAC! Wow! Parents, we will be sending home a letter about volunteering soon.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Fun Times Friday
This LONG weekend at home....
- help your parents with some chores around the house.
- be kind to someone smaller than you.
- do the Go Math hw and practice for lesson 5.3. Remember, this is all about common multiples.
- read. Read some more.
- you should be done with about 75% of the SS project. Pictures need captions that are informative.
There are still a few parents that have not selected a time slot for conferences. Please sign up!! Scroll back in the blog to find the sign up link.
Next week:
-No School Monday.
-No school Wednesday. Parent Teacher Conferences
-Field Trip Friday.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Thursday Thoughts
Hi Team 201 Families!
- Please bring in trip money and forms tomorrow! I am turning it in in the morning.
- Please sign the Thursday folder to indicate that your child has read.
- Don't forget to sign up for a Parent Teacher conference!
This evening at home...
-complete one more section of the SE scrapbook. Remember: Use your own words. You are writing a paragraph. Add an informative caption to the illustration.
-HW and P 5.2- Use the divisibility rules chart to help you!
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Wacky Kids Wednesday
Parents, you will notice that we have skipped a chapter in Go Math. We will do Chapter 5 and then cycle back to 4. Chapter 5 deals with multiplication concepts: factors, multiples, prime, composite and divisibility. Multiplication MASTERY will be essential for success in this and other chapters. Practice at home, please!
This evening....
-Practice multiplication facts. Get a confirmation note signed. My child practiced for 10 minutes or more.
-Go Math 5.1 hw and p.
-Finish the TEXT Features flap book. Kids who are "all caught up" have just two sections to do this evening.
Field Trip: money and forms
Book Fair: tomorrow at about noon.
Conferences: Please sign up online. Scroll down to find the post.
This evening....
-Practice multiplication facts. Get a confirmation note signed. My child practiced for 10 minutes or more.
-Go Math 5.1 hw and p.
-Finish the TEXT Features flap book. Kids who are "all caught up" have just two sections to do this evening.
Field Trip: money and forms
Book Fair: tomorrow at about noon.
Conferences: Please sign up online. Scroll down to find the post.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Tumnus Tuesday
This evening at home...
-practice multiplication and division facts and go on ixl grade 5 Division.
-color in your Science Notes from today
-Read a book of your choice. Write a one paragraph reflection. You can write about...
*your favorite part
*a character
*the author's style
*any opinion you have.
Do NOT Write a Summary
Don't forget to include text evidence.
Remind parents about Report Card sign up.
Field trip money! $7.00.
Today we began reading The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis. I have about 10 battered copies. If you are able to get your child a copy, please do! I am also open to donations.
If you have a copy, bring it in!
Monday, November 5, 2018
Movie Monday
This evening at home....
-Study for Chapter 3 Math Test
-Do the Theme activities. Use complete sentences!!!
Tell your parents to sign up for a conference!
-Study for Chapter 3 Math Test
-Do the Theme activities. Use complete sentences!!!
Tell your parents to sign up for a conference!
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Parent Teach Conference Sign Up
Click on the link to sign up for a Parent Teacher Conference. Conference/Report Card Pick Day is Wednesday, November 14. I am looking forward to meeting with 201 families.
Please let me know if you are having sign up issues. Send me an email, and I can reserve a spot for you.
MB Ginn
Sign Up Genius: Fall Conferences
Please let me know if you are having sign up issues. Send me an email, and I can reserve a spot for you.
MB Ginn
Sign Up Genius: Fall Conferences
Thorny, Tired, Terrible (because I won't see you tomorrow) Thursday
-There is no school for kiddos tomorrow.
-On Monday, we go to the Film Fest. We will eat lunch at school. No special lunch is required.
-It's Thursday! Thursday Folders are coming home today. If your child DOES not come home with a Thursday Folder, please get them a new one. It is lost.
-We will take the Chapter 3 Math test on Tuesday.
-November 8 is Book Fair Day for 201.
-Check back later to find the Report Card Conference Sign up. All appointments will be made online this year.
-IMPORTANT! There is a second FIELD TRIP form in today's Thursday Folder. We are going to the Garfield Park Conservatory.
This long weekend at home....
-Bird Beak Lab: Answer the questions.
-Read for a hour or more over the long weekend.Get a signature.
-Review the Math Review. Get each page signed by a parent. Equations and work!
-Text Structure Book: Order and Sequence Page
IXL Math Grade 5
ST Math
Extra Reading
-There is no school for kiddos tomorrow.
-On Monday, we go to the Film Fest. We will eat lunch at school. No special lunch is required.
-It's Thursday! Thursday Folders are coming home today. If your child DOES not come home with a Thursday Folder, please get them a new one. It is lost.
-We will take the Chapter 3 Math test on Tuesday.
-November 8 is Book Fair Day for 201.
-Check back later to find the Report Card Conference Sign up. All appointments will be made online this year.
-IMPORTANT! There is a second FIELD TRIP form in today's Thursday Folder. We are going to the Garfield Park Conservatory.
This long weekend at home....
-Bird Beak Lab: Answer the questions.
-Read for a hour or more over the long weekend.Get a signature.
-Review the Math Review. Get each page signed by a parent. Equations and work!
-Text Structure Book: Order and Sequence Page
IXL Math Grade 5
ST Math
Extra Reading
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