I hope that all of the Team201 Families enjoy and wonderful Winter Break.
Kids, don't forget about the Winter Reading Log. Read and fill in those marshmallows! I hope that we have 100% participation and that we will be sipping hot cocoa together in 2017!
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Friday, December 23, 2016
Over the Break Books
Thank you to Dhiren's mom for this great suggestion. I know that parents are always looking for book suggestions. Here are a few that I like:
Any title by Rebecca Stead. Her first novel, First Light, is especially good for 4th graders. Her other titles are also wonderful.

Has your child read any Judy Blume? Don't overlook these tried and true titles. Sometimes a quick read is a good read. And don't forget about the other Fudge books.

Check out the first of this fantastic graphic novel series.
If you
haven't read Matilda, you should.
Last year's Team 201 kids LOVED this book. I must confess that I have not read it!

Christopher Paul Curtis is a favorite author. Try this title or any of his others...

Read this:
Don't be fooled by the cover. This is a great title for both boys and girls.

Why not get started on this series. It will soon be a Netflix mini series. The books is always better, right?
Any title by Rebecca Stead. Her first novel, First Light, is especially good for 4th graders. Her other titles are also wonderful.

Has your child read any Judy Blume? Don't overlook these tried and true titles. Sometimes a quick read is a good read. And don't forget about the other Fudge books.
Check out the first of this fantastic graphic novel series.
If you

haven't read Matilda, you should.
Last year's Team 201 kids LOVED this book. I must confess that I have not read it!
Christopher Paul Curtis is a favorite author. Try this title or any of his others...

Read this:

Don't be fooled by the cover. This is a great title for both boys and girls.
Why not get started on this series. It will soon be a Netflix mini series. The books is always better, right?
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Testing Thursday
This evening at home...
- get your gingerbread supplies organized
- complete the homework and practice for 5.6
- read, really! Be prepared for Status of the Class and to tell me about what you read last night.
Parents, if you are coming to help tomorrow, please join me in 201 between 9:15 and 9:30.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Wintery Wednesday
Hello Parents-
As I write, your kids are enjoying the Winter Concert. Congratulations to Samantha, who won second place in the school- wide Spelling Bee! Sam was competing against middle school kids. Wow! She is the alternate representative for the city wide competition. Wow! Make sure to congratulate Samantha when you see her.
This evening at home...
As I write, your kids are enjoying the Winter Concert. Congratulations to Samantha, who won second place in the school- wide Spelling Bee! Sam was competing against middle school kids. Wow! She is the alternate representative for the city wide competition. Wow! Make sure to congratulate Samantha when you see her.
This evening at home...
- Don't forget that Gingerbread House creation is this Friday. All kids should bring one or two cans of frosting, a box of graham crackers, and assorted candies. Any unused cans of frosting will be returned. In most cases, one can is plenty.
- Read
- Complete the Homework and Practice for Go Math lesson 5.5
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Time to Design Tuesday
In a few minutes we will begin to work on our Area and Perimeter blueprints. Today we also....
- worked with finding common factors and multiples. This can get a bit tricky. Pay extra attention to this evenings homework practice.
- read Wonder
- read I Survived The San Francisco Earthquake on our ipads
- discussed possessive nouns
- decorated some snowflakes in honor of today's Spirit Day
- esparked
- finished up the comprehension activities for Earth Dragon Awakes
This evening at home....
- Read and record
- Spend some time with this week's vocabulary words. We will take a test tomorrow.
- Complete pages 151, 152 and 153 in the Readers Notebook workbook.
- Complete the homework and Practice for Go Math lesson 5.4
- Take a look at The Winter Break Reading Challenge. This activity is designed to encourage independent reading while we take our winter break. We will celebrate with a Hot Cocoa Read In if we get 100% participation. This will be the only homework aside from catching up on ST Math and IXL.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Late Post Monday
I will happily revise today's title. Kids, I need your help on this one. Parents, I apologize for the late post. We were at the Field Museum all day. It was a great trip. We were able to see the Terracotta Warriors and so much more!
This evening at home...
This evening at home...
- complete the Museum Reflection handout
- read
This week....
- We will make Gingerbread Houses on Friday. Parents, if you plan to join us, please let me know. I have already heard from several parents. :-)
- We will begin working on our Area and Perimeter Gingerbread blueprints.
- We will take our Math MAPS test on Thursday.
- We will take the Journeys Test for Earth Dragon on Wednesday.
- We will also go to the Lab on Wednesday to test conductors and insulators.
Parents, I am looking for a volunteer who can set up a Shutterfly Share Site for 201. This is a great way to share photos privately within our group. Please let me know if you have time to set up the site.
I would like to begin reading The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis, as soon as possible. I have several copies in 201. We will count them tomorrow. We may need a few extra! I will keep you posted. We will tackle this book as both an independent read and a read aloud in class. This classic is one of my all time favorites. Not only is a fantastic story, it is a great way to explore character development and themes. Yes, there is a movie. Of course, the book is much better!
Friday, December 16, 2016
Foil Friday
It's an inside joke! If you come to 201, you will get it.
This weekend at home....
This weekend at home....
- Read
- Math corrections are due on Monday.
- Catch up on IXL or ST Math
- don't forget that you will need a disposable bag lunch on Monday. Please label the lunch with your child's name, school and homeroom.
- No, we will not be visiting the Field Museum Gift Shop. Parents, please refrain from buying trinkets or snacks for your child or group.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Temperature Drop Thursday
Today we...
Today we...
- worked on our Northeast Region research
- worked on, and mostly finished, our Holiday Persuasive Writing
- went to Dance
- corrected last night's math homework and worked on lesson 5.3: Using Common Factors to solve word problems. We are using the strategy: Make a List
- took the Reading MAPS test. We will take the Math MAPS next Thursday
- did not go to the Science Lab. We will go tomorrow.
- had indoor recess
- read Wonder
- got Brag Tags to celebrate our reading accomplishments.
This evening at home....
- complete page 3 of the Earth Dragon packet
- complete tonight's homework and practice in Go Math
- read!
- do not worry about tomorrow's Reading Test because there will NOT be a Reading Test tomorrow. We will continue to work on these skills next week and will test then.
Coming up next week....
- Field Trip to the Field Museum on Monday. Bring a bag lunch!
- Samantha will represent 201 in the school- wide Spelling Bee on Tuesday
- Gingerbread House Area and Perimeter Project. Get ready to design and calculate.
- Gingerbread House building: Friday
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Winter Words Wednesday
This evening at home....
- complete the hw and practice for 5.2
- complete the back side of the page we did in class today (Earthquake)
- read!
- we will do multiplication madness on Friday
- we will take the MAPS Reading test tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Term Tuesday
Today we discussed and clarified, I hope, the Chapter 5 Go Math terms. One of these terms is term. Today we also...
- worked on our Northeast Region Research
- read Wonder
- read and discussed The Earth Dragon Awakes
- worked on Go Math lesson 5.1: factor pairs
- used our new app, Pic Collage, to create digital collages to help us learn this week's vocab. words
- worked on some persuasive writing. Should holiday's be celebrated in school?
This evening at home....
- complete the Analyze Text questions in Journeys for Earth Dragon Awakes
- get your Chapter 4 Math test letter signed.
- bring in your Field Trip money, if you have not done so. It is due tomorrow.
- complete the 5.1 Go Math hw
Parents, we take the Reading MAPS test on Thursday!
Thank you for the overwhelming volunteer response for our field trip. I am sending home confirmation notes today. If there are other classes who do not have enough volunteers, we may be able to add a couple more. If you have not been on a trip yet, you will get preference for the next one!
Enjoy this video by Bill Nye! It's Electric!
Monday, December 12, 2016
Monday Math Test
We experienced some technical difficulties today. A few kids will need to finish up the Math test tomorrow.
This evening at home...
This evening at home...
- In the Chapter 5 Math book, complete the Show What You Know activities. Cut out the vocab. cards and keep them in a safe place.
- In your Readers Notebook, finish up the Reading Comprehension response pages we did in class today for Earth Dragon Awakes.
- 147-148 in the Readers Notebook should also be completed.
- Read! We will take a Status of the Class in the Morning.
201 will take the Winter Maps test this Thursday.
Please bring in the Field Trip fee and form if you have not done so!
Friday, December 9, 2016
Friendly Friday
Team 201 received a true compliment from from Mr. Hoover today. At lunch he asked me, "Do you just love your class? What a friendly group of kids!" The answer, of course, was YES!
This weekend at home...
This weekend at home...
- read!
- catch up on some ST Math or IXL
- get prepared for Monday's Math test. I had the chance to meet with each child today to go over the Review and answer questions.
- a few kids have not finished the Hurricane flap book. It must be done by Monday. I am sorry parents, there was lots of time to work on this in class! Please look for it in the Green Folder.
- ask your child about the Gingerbread House Math project. The flyer about this project should be in the Green Folder. Gingerbread House making will take place on December 23 from 9:30-10:30, and we need parent help! Come one, come all! This is a really fun opportunity to help at school and work on a creative project with your child. We have just one hour to dedicate to the task!
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Text Structure Thursday
Parents, do you know what "text structure" is? You kids do! Look on Google Classroom for tips and tricks.
Today we.....
Today we.....
- discussed Text Structure of Informational Text and created a page in our "mini lessons" notebook.
- went to the Science Lab to investigate Conductors and Insulators. Why materials allowed the heat to transfer and escape? Which material was the best insulator, keeping the water nice and hot?
- read Wonder and talked about Wonder.
- worked on our Hurricanes flip books.
- began our class Spelling Bee. We will continue tomorrow.
- worked on the Chapter Review. We will continue to Review tomorrow and will take the Chapter 4 Math Test on Monday.
This evening at home....
- finish the Chapter 4 Review. Please do some sample problems at home.
- If you have already finished the Review, complete the Enrich page. Most kids will be doing the Enrich page tonight.
- finish the Science Lab questions
- Read for 20 minutes or more in your independent reading book. Respond in writing using one of the ideas in your Readers Notebook titled "Suggestions for Writing About Reading" or, pick one of these. This list is copied from dailyteachingtools.com
Reader Response Prompts for Fiction
reader response questions
1. Explain a character's problem and then offer your character advice on how to solve his/her problem.
2. Explain how a character is acting and why you think the character is acting that way.
3. From what you've read so far, make predictions about what will happen next and explain what in the text makes you think it will happen.
4. Pick one character and explain why you would/would not like to have him/her as a friend.
5. Describe and explain why you would/would not like to have lived in the time or place of the story.
6. What real-life people or events are you reminded of by characters or events in the story? Explain why.
7. Write about what would happen if you brought one of your characters to school or home for a day.
8. Pick a scene in which you disagreed how a character handled a situation/person and rewrite it in the way you think it should have happened.
9. What quality of which character strikes you as a good characteristic to develop within yourself over the years? Why? How does the character demonstrate this quality?
10. Who tells the story? Is this the best person to tell it? Why?
11. How would the story be different if told through another character's eyes?
12. Why do you think the author wrote this story?
13. If you were the author, would you have ended the story in a different way? Why? How so?
14. How does the character's actions affect other people in the story?
15. How does the author provide information or details to make the story seem realistic?
16. How does the author help you feel that you are really there (in both realistic stories and fantasy)?
17. Do you have any unanswered questions about the story? Explain.
18. Copy an interesting/confusing/important/enjoyable passage and explain why you chose it.
19. From what you've read so far, make predictions about what will happen next and explain what in the text makes you think it will happen.
Reader Response Prompts for Nonfiction
reader response questions
20. Copy a short passage that you found to be interesting. Explain what made it interesting for you.
21. Write a summary of what you read in your book today.
22. Explain some of the things that you have learned so far that you are not likely to forget in the near future.
23. Write to inform us about the author. What other articles and/or books has the author written? Is he/she one of your favorite authors, and if so, why?
24. What ideas might you have for turning this work of nonfiction into a work of fiction? Give a brief summary of what your story might be like.
25. Explain the basic information that is being presented in terms of the 5W's: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
reader response questions
1. Explain a character's problem and then offer your character advice on how to solve his/her problem.
2. Explain how a character is acting and why you think the character is acting that way.
3. From what you've read so far, make predictions about what will happen next and explain what in the text makes you think it will happen.
4. Pick one character and explain why you would/would not like to have him/her as a friend.
5. Describe and explain why you would/would not like to have lived in the time or place of the story.
6. What real-life people or events are you reminded of by characters or events in the story? Explain why.
8. Pick a scene in which you disagreed how a character handled a situation/person and rewrite it in the way you think it should have happened.
9. What quality of which character strikes you as a good characteristic to develop within yourself over the years? Why? How does the character demonstrate this quality?
10. Who tells the story? Is this the best person to tell it? Why?
11. How would the story be different if told through another character's eyes?
12. Why do you think the author wrote this story?
13. If you were the author, would you have ended the story in a different way? Why? How so?
14. How does the character's actions affect other people in the story?
15. How does the author provide information or details to make the story seem realistic?
16. How does the author help you feel that you are really there (in both realistic stories and fantasy)?
17. Do you have any unanswered questions about the story? Explain.
18. Copy an interesting/confusing/important/enjoyable passage and explain why you chose it.
19. From what you've read so far, make predictions about what will happen next and explain what in the text makes you think it will happen.
Reader Response Prompts for Nonfiction
reader response questions
20. Copy a short passage that you found to be interesting. Explain what made it interesting for you.
21. Write a summary of what you read in your book today.
22. Explain some of the things that you have learned so far that you are not likely to forget in the near future.
23. Write to inform us about the author. What other articles and/or books has the author written? Is he/she one of your favorite authors, and if so, why?
24. What ideas might you have for turning this work of nonfiction into a work of fiction? Give a brief summary of what your story might be like.
25. Explain the basic information that is being presented in terms of the 5W's: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Twister Tuesday
What's wrong with this title? If your child understand the differences between tornadoes and hurricanes, the answer is clear!
This evening at home...
This evening at home...
- pp 139-142 in the Readers Notebook
- finish today's Hurricanes classwork. Most have done this.
- complete the homework and practice for lesson 4.12. We should be ready to take this test on Friday or Monday!
- bring in Field Trip forms and money.
Use this link to get practice with this week's vocabulary words:
Don't be confused!

Monday, December 5, 2016
Secret Santa in 201-
Dear Parents,
I love the Holidays! I love giving gifts! I must say "no" to Secret Santa! I appreciate
the spirit of giving,however this is not an activity that can take place at
school. While harm is surely not
intended, this activity has the potential to illicit bad feelings among
students who are not included in the group.
I know that some are excited about Secret Santa, and I encourage
parents to organize an activity outside of school. If your child is involved in this activity, please don't not bring an more Secret Santa gifts to school.
Thanks for your
Mightiest Storms Monday
This week's reading selection, Hurricanes, Earth's Mightiest Storms, gets technical! Students will need to read carefully. I suggest that all families spend some extra time with this one at home!
The results from last week's test are available on Think Central. If you child did not punctuate, a point was deducted. Practice makes permanent. Our results are improving. Take a moment to look at your child's results, please.
This evening at home....
The results from last week's test are available on Think Central. If you child did not punctuate, a point was deducted. Practice makes permanent. Our results are improving. Take a moment to look at your child's results, please.
This evening at home....
- finish up today's work in the Readers Notebook, pages 133-134
- complete the "Analyze Text" questions found in Journeys found on pages 322,324, and 328.
- complete the HW and Practice for lesson 4.11
Friday, December 2, 2016
Friday News
The School Spelling Bee is December 20th. I am sending home a very long list with kids today. This is the list that we will use to determine our 201 representative. I know that you are getting very short notice on this one! Just do your best! Our class spelling bee will be next Wednesday. If you are in it to win it, begin studying the list this weekend. On Tuesday, I will begin with the fist page!
This weekend at home....
This weekend at home....
- Read!
- Study those Spelling words!
Next week, we will begin learning about heat energy. Enjoy this Study Jams!
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Toothless Thursday
This title is inspired by Mac's tooth. This is the third one he's lost in a month. He thinks. We have not verified this with an official tooth count.
Today we...
Today we...
- finished up our Day In the Life "energy" cartoons
- went to Music
- discussed Shades of Meaning and shared our homework ideas
- discussed Jose Born to Dance and did some writing from Jose's perspective on Google Drive
- corrected last night's math homework and moved on the 4.10 Place the First Digit. The next few lessons tackle long division. Please check in with your child. I am working with kids to give them extra practice at school.
- enjoyed Mr. Lee's Multiples Rap
- went to the Science Lab and explored the effects of salt on watercolors.
* The Pod 200 Awards Ceremony is tomorrow at 9:00!
*Yes, we are taking a test on Jose Born to Dance tomorrow.
This evening at home.....
- Read the poems found on pp. 304-306 in Journeys
- Practice reading one of them aloud. If you don't have an audience, practice in front of the mirror
- On page 306, do the Write a Dance Poem activity. Make sure that you are proud of your work and be prepared to share!
- Complete Go Math hw lesson 4.10
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