Happy First Day of School!
It was a pleasure to spend the day with the new Team 201! Today was filled with administrative chores: forms, books, and procedures. We meed to spend some time learning the ins and outs of Room 201, so that we can lay the foundation for a great year, learning together. I can't wait to read all of student surveys this evening.
Parents, there are several forms going home this evening. Some are from me, and some are from the school. I know that you have tons of homework! Thanks for your patience and for getting those forms back to me as soon as possible. My Welcome letter explains our facilities schedule, the homework policy and I hope that you have time to read it this evening. Maybe you should ask your child to read it to you!
This evening at home.....
- Read for 20 minutes or more using a book of your choice.
- Record the minutes on your Reading Log, which is on the back of the Gold Card and get a signature
- Practice your multiplication tables. We will take an inventory quiz tomorrow to make sure that you know the facts.
- Begin working on the Teammate Top 10. The main headings should be memorized by Friday
- Get your Gold Card signed. This indicates that you have completed your homework.
- Parents, please complete my Parent Survey and the other Disney forms
- Fill someone's bucket!