Friday, December 18, 2015

Final Twenty Fifteen Friday

What a great start to the school year! I hope that 201 Families are on "break mode," and that you all enjoy the extra time with family and the more relaxed pace.   Today we took our Reading Test on Think Central. You can check the results online.  We also finished up our Southwest Travel Brochures.  They look fantastic and will soon be displayed in 201.

Kids are really excited about beginning our new Science unit on Animal Habitats, Ecosystems, and Adaptations.  Today they had time to select a research topic and do some preliminary research. In 2016, I will send home the official project paperwork. It will involve a research paper and a diorama. Don't worry, we will have time in class to do the research. I want to guide kids through the note taking and organization process. You will have plenty of time to work on this! Don't worry!

These weeks at home...

  • Complete the Marshmallow Reading Challenge.  If we get 100% participation, we will celebrate with a warming "Hot Cocoa Read- In" in early January.  Please, feel free to add extra marshmallows. You can glue the extras to the the bottom of the mug or make "lift- a -flap" marshmallows. Decorate those mugs! The form is in the Green Folder. 
  • Spend some time with your multiplication tables. Log on to a click on the "quizzes."
  • Do some ST and /or Extra Math
  • Learn how to sing "Winter Fantasy." It is one of my favorite holiday songs.  Click on the link to hear it.
  • Lastly, 201 is scheduled to take the Winter MAPS Reading/L.A. test on Tuesday, January 5. We will take the Math the following week.

See you next year!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

That's Divisible Thursday

Ask you child about divisibility rules.  They should have some pretty good notes!

This evening at home....

  • Finish reading or rereading Chapter 12 in TLTWATW.
  • Complete the Mood activity using chapter 12 ( not 14)
  • Complete the Homework and Practice for lesson 5.2

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Well Constructed Wednesday

Thank you parents, for making today's Gingerbread House activity such a success. Thank you so much for sending in the supplies and thanks to all who were so generous. Everyone was able to create a Gingerbread House today. They are works of art!

I will post pictures soon!

This evening at home...

  • Read or reread Chapter 11 in TLTWATW.  Write a summary.  Make it "just right."
  • Complete the Homework and Practice for lesson 5.1
  • Results of the Chapter 4 math test are available on Think Central.  Please do corrections on a separate sheet of paper.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Time to Measure Tuesday

Right now kids are designing gingerbread models.  This involves quite a bit of measurement and trial and error. Next, we will place the candy in symmetrical patterns.Finally, we will write equations to calculate the candy that we need. Of course, we won't be following these blueprints exactly tomorrow.  These are our dream houses. Tomorrow's reality might not be quite so perfect!

This evening at home....

  • Complete the Gingerbread Math sheet.
  • Reread Earth Dragon Awakes and complete the "Analyze Text" questions.
  • Read and record.
  • Gingerbread supplies: make sure that you bring them in tomorrow.
  • Volunteers, we will be ready to create at 8:30

Helpful supplies....
  • Aluminium Foil
  • plastic knives
  • large paper plates
* We do NOT need any more powdered sugar.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Forever Writing Friday

Thank you Ken, for creating today's title.  I think that we may have this "indenting thing" down. Parents, you better be prepared for some heavy persuasion.  Your child has a way to save money and increase family fun time exponentially.  Will you be persuaded?

This weekend at home....

  • Parents, please read the final draft "Penguin Paper." Please sign the paper and write a comment to your child! 
  • Kids, please add finishing touches to the P. Paper. Add Penguins.
  • Kids, get as far as you can in the Chapter Review. Finish the first 4 pages or finish it all.
  • Read and record.
Kids, NO HOMEWORK PASSES allowed for this work. Sorry to yell, but it is too important!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for kids who are creative, thoughtful and kind. That's you, Team 201!

This evening at home....

  • Complete the Analyze Text questions on the  "Answer/ Evidence" sheet.  Use Hurricanes to collect evidence. The evidence goes on the post it. The answer goes in the box.
  • Complete the homework and practice for Lesson 4.12. We will take the chapter 4 test on Tuesday!
  • Read and record

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What's That Word Wednesday

Congratulations to 201's Spelling Bee representative, Thewfic! We will all be rooting for you in the school-wide Bee on Deceimber 17th. Honorable mentions go out to Jordan and Ian J.  It was a close call. Jordan waits in the wings as our Spelling Bee Alternate.  Kudos to all of those who participated today!

This evening at home...

  • ST MATH! Each child should be approaching 30-35%.  Most kids are hovering in the 20% range. Please spend some time with Jiji at home.  We do spend time with Jiji during the week. If your child is below 15%, it may be an indicator of "off task" behavior. A boost at home will help get everyone on the right track.
  • Complete the Go Math H and P for lesson 4.11
  • Complete the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe graphic organizer.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tantrum Tuesday

Long Division can have these side effects: tantrums, stress, even crying. Talk to your teacher if you are experiencing these symptoms, but don't stop trying.   Long division combined with messy handwriting will result in frustration and inaccuracy in most cases.  Please do not combine the two.  When dividing, keep a multiplication chart handy and ask yourself: Does McDonald's Serve Burgers?  Repeat.

So.....Long division crept in and took over our lives today.  Don't get mad, kids, get even. Learn your multiplication facts. Keep your notes handy. Think about what you are trying to accomplish is spitting up the number.   Kids, I am back to edit and revise again! This is what  every-day people who need to write in order to communicate, like your teacher, must do! Even when they are adults. Even when they are teachers! This sentence just isn't saying what I want it to say. Here is another attempt: Think about what you are trying to accomplish. What is the divisor? How many groups do I have? What makes the most sense?  Finally, stick with it. You will get it.  Don't let division be a bully.     Put that lid on your bucket and roll up those sleeves.

This evening at home....

  • prepare for tomorrow's classroom Bee.
  • Read, or reread chapter 9 in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.  In 7-10 sentences, summarize the chapter. Find 3 "rich" vocabulary words that you would like to share. Write the page number where you found them and describe how the word is used in the story.
  • 4.10: Homework and Practice  
Need help starting your summary? Try one of these sentence tags on for size..
* In this chapter...
*This chapter is about.....
* Chapter 9 begins..

  • I have 3 volunteers for Gingerbread Math. Thank you to Kaliyah's mom, Maxwell's mom, and Ian J.'s mom. We have room for three more helpers next Wednesday.
  • Great job on the homework last night!
  • Thanks for signing the Reading Log each day. Kids should be reading for 20 or more each day.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Maximum Model Division With Regrouping Monday

Thank you Ian J., for sending this very appropriate title. It arrived via Edmodo this weekend. He was definitely thinking ahead!

So, we did model division with regrouping today.  We only got to a few problems, but your child should have good notes to help with the homework and practice this evening.

We also read Hurricanes in Journeys. This week we will be learning more about text and graphic features.  We will zoom in on suffixes -ment, -nent, -less and -ful, and we will do some independent/guided research on hurricanes.  We will not have a spelling test, but we will practice using the words from this week's list.  We will have have our usual L.A. test on Friday.

Today we discussed Empathy.  We talked about what it means to be empathetic. We compared empathy to sympathy. At Disney, we are in such a unique position. Disney families have the opportunity to meet and know people with different cultural, racial and religious backgrounds.  We talked about how exploring different points of views can help us understand one another. We talked about finding commonalities in spirit.   We talked about ways that we can productively discuss unfairness in the world.  We talked about being sensitive to other cultures that we may not fully understand. We talked about ways to build bridges to one another. We did a craft to help us remember how to plant and grow into empathetic adults.

This evening at home....

  • Please sign the Chapter 3 Math test. Kids who scored below 85% should do corrections. Corrections must show all of the steps and should be done on a separate sheet of paper. They are due on Monday.
  • Please look for and read the Gingerbread Math sheet. This special activity is a favorite! Read the sheet and you will know why!
  • Reread Hurricanes and complete the graphic organizer " 6 Things."
  • In the Readers Notebook, complete pp. 135 and 136.
  • Do the Homework and Practice for lesson 4.9 in Go Math

Friday, December 4, 2015

Free Coding Friday

This weekend at home....

  • finish the math classwork: circled problems only an the entire back page of the CLASSWORK
  • Science Fusion packet: read and complete the activities
  • Complete your reading log

Thursday, December 3, 2015

That"s The NorTHEAST Thursday

THis morning we performed our NorTHeast raps and songs. We got it all on tape and will share the edited version wiTH parents soon. THat's a wrap for the NorTHeast!  Well done Team 201!

Today we also went over a few problems from last night's difficult homework.   There is a time to use the distributive property, and there is a time to just stick with D.M.S.B.. Most kids prefer division the "old fashioned" way.   Today's GoMath lesson focuses on using repeated subtraction and multiples to divide.

Jordan THinks THat I can't spell and is pointing out all of my mistakes. He is partially correct, but today, I am using some poetic license to drive the alliteration point home. So THere. It's Thursday. Strong observation, Jordan. THese kids know THat even teachers need to edit THeir writing! Thanks for looking out for me, Jordan!

THis evening at home....

  • Do the Homework and Practice for Lesson 4.7 in Go Math
  • Complete the Shade of Meaning color strips. There are two on the page.  Remember, the mild word goes on top.  Each word below increases in intensity. The words don't have to be exact synonyms, but they should have the same connotation. Use the graphic organizer or the thesaurus to help you.  If you don't know what the word means, don't use it. Better yet: learn this new word and then use it!
  • Study for tomorrow's L.A./Reading test.
  • Don't forget to read and record. Please get a signature!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Why Do We Take Apart Flowers Wednesday

We take apart flowers to learn about plant reproduction, of course. This is what we are about to begin.  It is almost lab time.  We had to work through some tough math problems today.   We also discussed Jose, practiced our NE Raps and spent some time with Jiji.

This evening at home....

  • complete the Go Math homework and practice for 4.6
  • Finish the Jose questions. Make sure to add details from the text. No details. No credit.
  • Read for 20 minutes and complete the Reading Log
  • Complete the Readers Notebook pages 115 and 116
  • Cans!  Donate one!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Taking a Trip to Narnia/Towering Tuesday

These are two great suggestions from three great students. Thank you Lucy, Thom, and Hannah.

This evening at home...

  • complete the Go Math homework for lesson 4.5. Remember to prove your answers. No credit for answers only.
  • Jose Questions: Do the front and back of the first page.  Do the final vocabulary page. Leave the rest!  Make sure that your answers are complete. This means: sentences, examples and punctuation.
  • Spelling Bee: Next week!  All will participate in the class Bee.
  • Practice your NE Rap at home in front of the mirror.
  • Log on to IXL Math. Bring your username and password back to school tomorrow.